Organization Name
Contact Name
First Name
Last Name
Contact Preferred Pronouns
Organization Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Contact Email
Annual Budget
Total Paid Staff/Employees
How many people are on your Board of Directors?
Name of Executive Leader and Title
Describe your current process for recording monetary donations
Describe your current process for recording in-kind donations
Describe your organization's fundraising strategy
How do you fundraise for monetary and in-kind donations?
Mission Statement
Is your organization currently operating as a hygiene bank or have a hygiene program with a core focus to collect and distribute hygiene resources to those in need?
How much of your organization's total programs are focused on hygiene and/or basic need distribution?
100% Hygiene/Basic Needs Distribution
75% Hygiene/Basic Needs Distribution
50% Hygiene/Basic Needs Distribution
25% or less Hygiene/Basic Needs Distribution
Please provide a description of your hygiene bank and/or hygiene service programs, including the services you offer, the communities you serve, and your operational structure.
Does your organization set & track Impact Goals? If so, please describe them below:
Describe your organization's process for evaluating impact/Success
What is your process for distribution of supplies? Include how someone in need would access hygiene supplies from you.
Select all of the methods of distribution
Hygiene Kits/packages to external sites
Items in bulk to external sites
Hygiene Kits directly to clients
Items in bulk directly to clients
None of the above
How many Hygiene Products do you distribute every year?
What records does your organization currently keep regarding distribution?
In what ways are you able to receive feedback/input from clients and the community?
How do clients learn about your programs?
Describe your outreach process
Who are your main clients/Recipients?
Neighbors experiencing homelessness
Families w/ children
Women & Female Identifying
Men & Male Identifying
Immigrants / Refugees
LGBTQ+ Community
Anything else you'd like to share about your main Recipients?
What trainings are provided to your staff and volunteers?
Describe your organization's understanding of working with an at-risk population
Do you accept external volunteers?
Yes, we have a process for new/external volunteerism
All volunteers are connected to our organization/programs directly
We do not have a volunteer platform
Describe how your organization is engaged with others in the community, such as other service providers, people with lived experiences, and community groups.
Please provide your organization's anti-discrimination policy/statement.
Put "No formal statement" if you do not have one current
Does your organization have Value Statements? If so, please include them here:
Which of the following are you most interested in utilizing?
Select all that apply
Education and resources to strengthen our organization operations and impact
Learning from experts in their field
Having shared data to further hygiene access advocacy and impact
Increasing reach and visibility of our organization to support our community
Connecting with other hygiene banks & nonprofits
Grants & money saving opportunities on supplies
How did you learn about the Hygiene Bank Association?
Internet Search
Social Media
A Fellow Nonprofit or Hygiene Bank Association Member
Simply the Basics Staff or Volunteer
Word of Mouth (e.g., a friend, family member, or community member not affiliated with a nonprofit)
Select all that are true
Organization has a system for ensuring quality of products, including never distributing products that are used or expired.
Organization has a system that ensures a variety of product type to meet unique health needs.
Our programs do not include prayer or religious practice required to receive services
We have a system where people in need of supplies can choose what they most need
Organization has more than 1 person that is involved in the operations
Organization has a process for financial oversight (tracking donations, expenses, etc)
Supplies are distributed at no cost to our clients
Please confirm that all of the above is true and accurate to the best of your knowledge.