Compassion vs. Empathy

What are we currently reading?

Compassion means, "I am here to help!" Research is showing how empathy over time may cause feelings of fatigue and drain us, while compassion can motivate and sustain us!

So what's the difference? Empathy comes from a feeling of sameness and understanding, while compassion takes it a step further and provides the action to help alleviate the suffering.

  • Pity: "I feel sorry for you"

  • Sympathy: "I feel for you"

  • Empathy: "I feel with you"

  • Compassion: "I am here to help!"

Compassion is critical when working towards our mission, but did you know it can also make you a better leader? "The latest research shows that focusing on compassion and mental health leads to strong, sustainable leadership. It also leads to greater self-awareness."

Click below to read “Compassion vs. empathy: Understanding the difference” by Dr. Jacinta Jiménez, PsyD and learn more about the difference between empathy and compassion and how your actions rooted in compassion can actually make you a better leader both personally and professionally.

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