Another type of basic need - Transportation! (An Interview with a Recipient)
“With this support, I will be able to take my daughter and my brothers to school and to the doctor without having to pay for rides. I will also be able to work more, since I no longer have to rely on other people to take me. And my daughter and I will be able to go places, which is something we’re rarely able to do. My baby wants to see the ocean, and we’ve never been able to go. ”
We received a unique and generous proposition from a Board Member who was interested in donating his car, but wanted to ensure it went to someone that would not become financially burdened, but rather achieve greater goals through this gift. He trusted Simply the Basics to help navigate this gift!
Mike, a long-time supporter and member of the Board of Directors of Simply the Basics, knew with confidence that Simply the Basics would know exactly how to make this donation successful and impactful! His only request was that we find an individual where a car could change their life for the better. Due to our strong partnerships, Simply the Basics worked with our partners at The Women’s Building in San Francisco to connect with Briselda, who shared her courageous story of seeking asylum in the United States for herself and her family.
To Briselda and her family, a car would bring stability. She would not have to make the tough decision of getting to work on time or getting her daughter to school on time, no longer having to walk to each or take the long route on public transportation. A trip that once took over an hour, will now take 7 minutes! Simply the Basics’ ultimate goal is to help communities better reach their goals by providing for their most basic needs and we couldn’t be more proud of the connection that was created between a donor and our partners to help Briselda and her family better achieve their goals!
Briselda shares the impact of this donation in her own words below!
(Translations provided by The Women’s Building below)
Tell us a little about yourself:
My name is Briselda. I am from Guatemala and I am 21 years old. My three-year-old daughter and I came to the US about three years ago, seeking a safer future and opportunities for my daughter. Our journey was long and involved many days walking and riding in trucks. When I entered the US through Tijuana, I turned myself in to immigration to begin the process of seeking asylum. My sister arrived shortly after me, and my two younger brothers arrived this year, during the pandemic.
Since my brothers arrived, Eliza, my caseworker at the Women's Building, has helped me access services that I never had access to before, helping me take responsibility not only of my daughter, but also of my two brothers. We continue to pay off the loans we took out in order to travel here, and we also have to pay for 'rides' for everything - to go to school, get lunch, go to work and even go to the doctor. This has been very difficult for us, especially since my brothers arrived.
But now we have a CAR!! A car was given to me by a donor from Simply the Basics. This will be very helpful for me. Since I arrived here in the US, I have never been supported in the way you’ve supported me here at the Women's Building.
With this support, I will be able to take my daughter and my brothers to school and to the doctor without having to pay for rides. I will also be able to work more, since I no longer have to rely on other people to take me. And my daughter and I will be able to go places, which is something we’re rarely able to do. My baby wants to see the ocean, and we’ve never been able to go. Thank you to the Women's Building and Simply the Basics for helping me build a better future!
How is this car donation from Simply the Basics’ team going to help you achieve your goals?
This [car donation] will help me go to work, drop my daughter off at childcare, and drive my brother to school. Sometimes I can't work because I have my daughter, and that makes it harder to get a ride. And, for my brother, walking to school takes an hour, but in a car the school is only 7 minutes away.
What has it been like trying to get around without access to a vehicle?
I’ve never had a car here in the US. The streets here are different than the streets in Guatemala, but my cousin has been teaching me how to drive and now I’m motivated to learn. Not having a car is very difficult for us because we can't go out. We’re stuck inside all day. We have been here [in the U.S.] for three years now and have not been able to buy a car. We continue to pay off the loan we have from coming here. We pay for ‘rides’ for everything: to go pay the rent, to go for lunch. That has been very difficult for us, especially since my brothers arrived.
Where are you excited to drive to first?
I want to take my brother to school, since right now I can’t take him. I also want to take my baby out to go places, since that’s what we do the least. My baby wants to go to the ocean, and we have never been able to go.
Mike’s Journey to an Impactful Donation!
What inspired you to want to find a person to donate the car to, as opposed to selling or another option?
I was inspired to donate my car because I wanted it to go to someone in need. In order to have the greatest impact, we need to look to those who could benefit most from it. I turned to Simply the Basics because I know they focus on providing basic equity to those most in need. Knowing a simple donation could raise their quality of life for another was all I needed to feel good about the decision.
What was it like working with Simply the Basics on the process?
I reached out to Simply the Basics because I knew they partnered with many non-profit groups, especially those focusing on providing basic living equity to all people. The process was super easy and quick. In a few days from offering the donation, Simply the Basics had identified not just an organization but also an individual to receive the gift. They handled all the paperwork for me and it felt good seeing the new owners celebrate their new mobility.
What did you enjoy about visiting the women's building?
The Women's Building is impressive both in its historic impact and its colorful facade. When I arrived there were San Francisco tour groups passing by speaking to the history of the building. The coordinator helped facilitate the donation and quickly handled all the paperwork. I got a chance to meet the recipient and learned how the new mobility would expand their ability to live and work. Rarely in life do you get a chance to see the impact of your donation, so this was a lived experience I'll not soon forget.
What is the best place the car took you?
The best place the car took me was across the country from Chicago to San Francisco. I appreciated the opportunity to move to the Bay Area and live in a new part of the world. Mobility is a key part of our culture and something that expands our access to jobs, friendships, and experiences. I hope this car enables the new owner a greater sense of freedom and choice in their life.

(Translations provided by The Women’s Building below)
“Mi nombre es Briselda. Soy de Guatemala y tengo 21 años. Mi hija de 3 años y yo llegamos hace 3 años a los Estados Unidos después de muchos días de viaje a pie y en camionetas para lograr un futuro más seguro y de oportunidades para mi hija. Cuando logré llegar a los Estados Unidos por Tijuana me entregué a migración y mi proceso para lograr asilo empezó. Mi hermana llegó poco después, y mis dos hermanos menores llegaron este año, durante la pandemia.
Desde que llegaron mis hermanos, Eliza, mi trabajadora de caso del Edificio de Mujeres me ha ayudado a acceder a servicios que nunca antes había accedido y eso me ha ayudado a responsabilizarme de no solo mi hija pero mis hermanos también. Seguimos pagando los préstamos de cuando vinimos para acá. Pagamos ‘rides’ para todo, para ir a la escuela, ir por lunch, ir a trabajar e incluso para ir a citas médicas. En eso nos hemos complicado mucho, especialmente desde que llegaron mis dos hermanos.
Pero ahora tenemos un COCHE!! Un coche fue el que me regalaron a través de un donador de Simply the Basics. Para mí es mucha ayuda esto. Desde que vine nunca me han apoyado así como lo que me han apoyado ustedes en el Edificio de Mujeres.
Con esta ayuda voy a poder llevar a la escuela y al médico a mis hermanos e hija sin necesidad de pagar por rides. También podré trabajar más, ya que ya no tengo que depender de otras personas para que me lleven. Además que mi nena y yo pasearíamos, que es lo que menos hacemos. Mi nena quiere ir al mar, y nunca hemos podido ir. Gracias al Edificio de Mujeres y Simply the Basics por ayudarme a construir un futuro mejor!”
How is this car donation from Simply the Basics’ team going to help you achieve your goals?
Como nosotros no tenemos carro, lo que me serviria es para el trabajo y para llevar a mi hija a que cuiden a mi hija, para llevar a mi hermano a la escuela. A veces no puedo trabajar porque tengo a mi niña y es más difícil conseguir ‘ride’ para ir al trabajo. Y en carro la escuela está a 7 min pero caminando a 1 hora.
What has it been like trying to get around without access to a vehicle?
Yo nunca he tenido vehiculos nunca en Estados Unidos. En Guatemala son diferentes las calles que aquí. Mi prima me ha estado enseñando y ahora con más ganas lo voy a aprender mejor. No tener carro es muy difícil para nosotros porque no podemos salir... todo el día aquí encerradas. Ya vamos para tres años aquí [en EEUU] y no hemos podido comprar un carro. Seguimos pagando el préstamo de cuando vinimos para acá. Pagamos ‘rides’ para todo, para ir a pagar la renta, ir por lunch. En eso nos hemos complicado mucho, especialmente desde que llegaron mis hermanos.
Where are you excited to drive to first?
Para mi estaría bien llevar a mi hermano a la escuela, ya que ahorita no lo puedo llevar. También para sacar a mi nena a pasear, es lo que menos hacemos. Mi nena quiere ir al mar, y nunca hemos podido ir.