The Imperative of Impact: Why Nonprofits Should Evaluate Programs Based on Impact Goals

In the realm of nonprofit work, the pursuit of positive change is the crux of an employee and volunteer’s motivation for doing the work.. Every action, every email sent, every task, every initiative, and every dollar spent should ideally contribute to a tangible improvement in the lives of those served in some direct or indirect way.

This blog discusses the importance of creating impact goals and evaluating for those goals, including some specific goals that your hygiene bank can set!

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Hair Equity

Haircare equity, the notion that everyone should have access to products, resources, and support for their hair regardless of texture, style, or cultural background, is a critical component of this goal.

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Why Product Variety is Important for Menstrual Equity & Accessibility

Access to safe and dignified menstrual supplies and facilities is a fundamental need for people who menstruate. Meeting the hygiene needs of everyone is significant for human rights, dignity, the economy, and public health.

In order to best serve people who menstrual, as hygiene suppliers, we must provide a variety of options and considerations so that the distribution is equitable, accessible, and meets the needs of people in the ways that they will feel most comfortable and safe.

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Menstrual Product Shortages

Due to high costs for cotton and plastic, we are seeing just the beginning of a major tampon shortage. For those that already struggle to access and afford their most basic need - this burden is astronomical!

This is a public help crisis that will impact half of the population, and it will only be getting worse in the coming months.

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Hygiene Implications on Health

Establishing proper hygiene is key to a sense of self and better health. Many individuals suffer from preventable health conditions which could be avoided with regular access to proper hygiene and other basic needs. This issue is not just confined to the streets. Individuals experiencing poverty often forego basic needs so as to make ends meet. Learn about some of the implications on health when hygiene needs are not met.

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