Preparing for Giving Tuesday - A Global Day of Giving

Authored by | Simply the Basics team

Nonprofit hygiene banks and distribution programs play a crucial role in improving the health and wellbeing of our communities. One of the critical ways we are able to do this work is by harnessing the power of our community through donations, volunteerism and education and awareness building.

As we get closer to the holiday giving season, an important date in your calendar may be November 28th, Giving Tuesday - a global day of charitable giving. In this blog post, we will guide you on how to prepare for, participate in, and run a successful Giving Tuesday campaign.

Understanding Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday, held on the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving, offers an opportunity for individuals and corporations worldwide to support some of their favorite causes. By participating, your organization can raise awareness about hygiene insecurity and provide your community a tangible opportunity to share in that awareness building, volunteer, or make a donation!

Preparing for Giving Tuesday

Before you begin, define what success looks like for your organization. Do you want to raise a certain amount of money, attract new donors, or increase awareness about your cause? Establishing clear, measurable goals is the first step to a successful campaign. Once you define your goals, develop a marketing strategy that includes social media, email newsletters, and perhaps local outreach if you’d like to include local stores, schools, and businesses.

Developing Your Story

Your story communicates why your organization exists, who you serve, and how donations or engagement can make a difference. Tell your oganization’s story to evoke emotion and inspires action

Running the Campaign

On Giving Tuesday, ensure all your communication channels are active and monitored and keep your community updated on the progress of the campaign. Use your website, email, and social media to spread the word about your Giving Tuesday campaign. Create engaging content like videos, infographics, and blog posts that highlight your cause and the impact of donations and keep the momentum going to engage with potential donors.

Engaging Your Donors

Don’t just ask for donations but engage your donors! Show them their potential impact through stories, photos, and testimonials from those who have benefited from their support. Perhaps you’ll want to host a live-stream on Giving Tuesday to connect with your donors in real-time.

After the Campaign: Saying Thank You & Evaluate

After the campaign, it's time to take stock. Evaluate the success of your campaign by analyzing your performance metrics. Thank everyone who donated, volunteered, or supported your campaign in any way. A simple thank you email, handwritten note, or social media shout-out can go a long way in making your donors feel appreciated and encourage future giving.


Creating and running a Giving Tuesday campaign may seem daunting, but with just a bit of planning and execution, you can significantly benefit from this global day of giving by increasing your reach and engagement with you community. Remember, it's not just about the donations you receive on Giving Tuesday, but building meaningful relationships with your donors. Make it clear what you want your community to do next - whether it's donating, sharing your campaign, or simply learning more about your cause. Keep your call-to-action clear and visible, and you’ll be ready to make Giving Tuesday a success for your hygiene bank!

*TIP: Giving Tuesday works best as a jump start for your holiday giving campaign and does not need to be a huge campaign all on it’s own. Focus on a small goal so that folks are ready to support you for your larger holiday campaign!

Next Steps

Ready to start planning your Giving Tuesday campaign? Head over to the Giving Tuesday website to download some graphics and begin speaking to your team about your goals!

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