PQMD's Spotlight on Hygiene Kits (SoHK) Metrics Package ©

Summary by Simply the Basics

PQMD's SoHK Metrics Package is designed for organizations involved in distributing hygiene kits in low and middle-income countries during emergencies.

The package includes monitoring and evaluation tools, guidance, and a community of practice. It helps organizations assess and improve ‘kitting’ practices, identify strengths, and share best practices.

Whether new or experienced in hygiene kit distribution, this tool can help enhance programs, fine-tune practices, and link actions to outcomes.

We thoroughly enjoyed reading some of their finding, seeing their charts, and using their toolkit for surveys! Open up the package & see some example charts below!

Example of their Logic Model. To create your own logic model, head to Intro to Logic Models for Goal Setting.

Image: SoHK’s model when describing the partnership between the “Responders” and “Kitter”.

Citation: Introduction to PQMD’s SoHK Metrics Package." Articulate Rise, https://rise.articulate.com/share/gJiEIr82FH-9bO1y_VmutCQIvRnRuHSp#/. Accessed 6 June 2024