Nonprofit Boards in Pursuit of Innovation for Growth: Views From the Frontline

Original Article by Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly cited below

Summary by Simply the Basics

The push for innovation in many fields can be seen in the nonprofit sector as well, as organizations aim to grow through employing new ideas and strategies to resolve challenges in society. However, not much research has been conducted investigating the mechanisms through which innovation can be employed by nonprofit leadership and the potential impacts it has. This literature review features several interviews with board members of nonprofits, providing insight into how innovation has affected growth and operations of their organizations. 

The study defines innovation and describes motivating factors for nonprofits to pursue growth opportunities, the role of a board’s authority for the organization’s performance and direction, and various other factors that reveal the following findings: 

Innovation Is Broadly Defined and Manifests Differently in Nonprofits Than For-Profits, Nonprofit Constraints Persist and Hinder Innovation and Growth, Innovation Is Important in Nonprofits, Nonprofits Reflect Competing Tensions in Their Pursuit of Innovation for Growth, and Nonprofit Innovation for Growth Is Related to Multiple Factors and Effective Boards Prioritize Particular Factorial Determinants.

Continue reading for more information on the factors that influence innovation in nonprofits, how to employ effective leadership strategies to encourage innovation and growth, and future directions for growth and research with regards to nonprofit-innovation governance. 

Citation: Richardson, S., & Kelly, S. J. (2023). Nonprofit Boards in Pursuit of Innovation for Growth: Views From the Frontline. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 0(0).

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