Does Toothpaste Expire?

Original Article by Colgate, cited below.


Toothpaste does indeed expire! For a toothpaste to receive the American Dental Association (ADA) Seal of Acceptance, it must contain “flouride”, nature’s cavity killer, which does break down over time and can begin to be less effective and decrease your protection, which is why you will notice an expiration date on your toothpaste.

Beyond becoming less effective or safe over time, expired toothpaste can also:

  • Develop bacteria or fungi in uncapped or improperly handled toothpaste.

  • Ingredients may separate over time.

Ideally, toothpaste has a shelf time of 2 years.

The TLDR; while using expired toothpaste may be relatively safe, it is not effective at maintaining gum and dental health.

While on occasion nonprofits may receive expired & unused toothpaste as a donation, in order to provide quality and dignified services, expired toothpaste should not be distributed and does not meet the goals of improving health or the needs of our community.

Citation: Does toothpaste expire? Colgate®: Toothpaste, Toothbrushes & Oral Care Resources. (n.d.). Retrieved January 18, 2022, from