How Can I Find Sources of In-kind Gifts?

Original Article by Candid, cited below

Summary by Simply the Basics

Let’s start with - What are In-kind Gifts? A contribution of goods or services that is not cash.

  • Goods, like computers, software, clothing, and office equipment, for organizational use or special events.

  • Services, like office or storage space, printing or mail services.

  • Expertise, like legal, tax, or business advice; marketing and website development; and strategic planning.

  • Cash equivalents, like stocks, bonds, and mutual funds

Some corporations prefer to provide in-kind which may help to start relationships with corporate groups for on-going support.

Continuing reading the article for tips and steps on how to start sourcing the in-kind donations you need for your organization.

“Trainings in Nonprofit Fundraising, Proposal Writing, Grants.” How Can I Find Sources of in-Kind Gifts?, Candid Learning,