Surveying Clients about Outcomes
Original article by The Urban Institute, cited below
Summary by Simply the Basics
What is a client survey? They are vital sources of information that can tell help you gather service data on your programs from either all or some of your clients.
They focus on clients
Seek information about outcomes
Appropriate for many types of services
Conducted regularly
Encourage client feedback
Done to help organization improve services
Examples of potential outcomes tracked
Employment = Placement rates
Food banks = Nutritional improvement
Patient care = Dignity of treatment
Continue reading, “Surveying Clients About Outcomes,” to learn about what your initial decision should be when creating your survey, developing your questions clearly and without bias, administering your survey, and finally how to collect and use your new data.
Additionally, there is an important section that outlines how to ensure you are not subjecting your clients to harm by protecting their privacy and a degree of sensitivity by not asking questions that may cause emotional distress or pose a risk to them.
“Surveying Clients about Outcomes - Urban Institute.” Surveying Clients ABOUT OUTCOMES, The Urban Institute,